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WinQuota 4.5 - disk quota management software
Key features (full list)
limit the maximal size of each file or directory
set up different limit values for different users
set up different limit values for different groups
serve any existing user or group credentials from domains
WinQuota quota management tool
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    WinQuota around system services

    WinQuota also can be used to arrange your system services like FTP, HTTP or any other service you might use, beginning with IIS and ending with ERP/ERM solutions.

    WinQuota will guard your disk space for any system wide process and provide you the way to keep your system in a safe state from disasters like disk overflows. Without WinQuota, if some service has eaten all disk space, other services fail too. But with WinQuota your services will work continuously even if some service eats its limits.

    For example, specific quota settings for your Email server and anti-viral software will keep your system safe if your server will receive a couple of Trojans or mail bombs.

    In case your FTP or HTTP server provides ability to upload files, WinQuota will guard your space by uploading giant files with separation by folders and users (see also how to use WinQuota in network environment).

    WinQuota also offers possibility to track file growth with administrator notifications, without limiting file sizes.

    The typical example is your database. To make the quota management solution effectively work you should specify hard limits to terabytes, and soft limit to real size to be tracked. At the time database growth eats more space than soft limit set, you'll be notified the way you prefer.

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